Posts Tagged ‘Roof replacement’

When to Replace My Roof

Roof Sagging

Sagging Roof

This is a question every home owner will ask themselves at least once in their lifetime.  Sometimes more depending how many houses you have owned.  Don’t wait until you see water spots or stains in your house to consider that it may be time to replace your roof.  If you wait that long, your costs of repairs will increased.  Be pro-active and keep an eye on your roof at regular intervals.  One easy way is to pick a holiday(s) during the year and ear mark that time to do a visual inspection.  This is an easy way to keep a regular schedule.  If you find a leak, don’t immediately decide that you need a new roof.  Put on your inspectors hat and start looking for compromised area.  Finding water leaks can be very difficult because water “travels”.  This means that water rolls on the surface below it.  You need to follow the trail backwards until you find the point of origin.  This is often frustrating and sometimes impossible for the DIYer because there are areas where you do not have access to the roof from the inside. Continue reading